Course description:
This course is an introduction to minor oral surgery, diagnosis, and treatment plan for oral surgical procedures that are essential to the general practitioner. It covers the management of severe oral infections including osteomyelitis and osteoradionecrosis is also demonstrated. The possible complications of tooth extraction and the management of bleeding and dry socket.
Course Aims:
This course aims to provide the student with the principles and knowledge which is necessary to perform minor oral surgical procedures and the ability to diagnose and treat orofascial infections.
Course outcomes:
After completion of this course, the student should be able to:
- Assess the patient, draw out a treatment plan and execute it with the help of their instructors.
- Assess impacted and unerupted teeth and how to design a muco-periostealflap and to remove bone.
- Have the basic knowledge and skills to perform preprosthetic surgeries, including hard and soft tissue procedures.
- Know the different types of medical emergency and how to manage them.
- Understand and treat dental infections, e.g. pericoronitis, periapical abscess, and periodontal abscess, and more sever orofascial infections.
- Perform different types of endodontic surgeries.
- Apply the knowledge gained in the previous related courses.