Removable Prosthodontics IV - Theoretical TDNT 4150

Course description:

The course covers the theoretical aspects of making complete dentures, immediate dentures, tooth-supported and implant-borne hybrid dentures as well relining, rebasing and repair of complete dentures. It covers the theoretical background for different phases of treatment with Removable Partial Dentures. 

Course Aims:

Students will be reinforced and enriched in his/her previous experiences with the didactic and clinical disciplines of Removable Prosthodontic Sciences. The students will be exposed to a finer insight into the examination, diagnosis, treatment planning and technical procedures in the art & science of Prosthodontics, while treating patients.  It is expected that after the completion of the course, the students will be in a better position to render a scientifically acceptable diagnosis, treatment planning and treatment for his/her patients, requiring removable partial denture.

Course outcomes:

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:
  • Have theoretical competence as well as basic understanding of ways to achieve the goal in treatment with complete dentures. 
  • Know and understand the craniofacial anatomy and physiology including variations of craniofacial growth and occlusal development, the epidemiology of edentulousness and the tissue response to complete dentures. 
  • Have a basic knowledge of the dental materials and equipment used in the dental clinic and dental technician's laboratory.
  • Acquire a knowledge and understanding of:
    1. Diagnosis and Treatment planning for partially edentulous patients.
    2. Impression and mouth preparation.
    3. Final Impression.
    4. Designing of Partial Denture.
    5. Class I, II, III, IV designs.
    6. Fitting and try-in the Framework.
    7. Delivery of the partial denture.
    8. Relining, Rebasing and Repair of the RPDs.
    9. The Swing-Lock Denture and Partial Over denture.