Removable Prosthodontics II - Theoretical TDNT 3140

Course description:

This is the second course offered in Removable Prosthodontics.  It consists of the theoretical components concerned with the procedures involved in the construction of removable partial dentures. The course acquaints the students with the principles and sequence of technical procedures involved in the fabrication of removable partial dentures. 

Course Aims:

The purpose of the Removable Prosthodontics II course is to build upon the foundational content presented in Removable Prosthodontics I by continuing to prepare students for the examination, diagnosis, treatment planning and treatment of the edentulous patient requiring uncomplicated treatment. 

Course outcomes:

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:
  • Identify and describe the various components of a removable partial denture.
  • Illustrate the basic knowledge of how to design a removable partial denture framework.
  • Demonstrate the basic knowledge and fundamentals of the various laboratory procedures related to the construction of the removable partial denture.
  • Identify the different materials, instruments and devices involved in the construction of removable partial dentures as well as their uses.
  • Introduce and classify of partially solutants patients.
  • Describe the components of a removable partial denture.