Renewable Energy Sources and Systems SUST 5302

Course description:

This course will introduce both conventional and renewable energy sources. This will include fossil fuel: oil, gas coal, nuclear, wind, wave, solar, thermal and hydropower.

Course Aims:

  • The aim of this course is to develop a broad understanding of energy resources, engineering technologies for energy conversion and have an appreciation of solutions available to meet the energy demands. 

Course outcomes:

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:
  • Explain the fundamental limitations of energy conversion.
  • List and generally explain the main sources of energy and their primary applications.
  • Describe the challenges and problems associated with the use of various energy sources, including fossil fuels, with regard to future supply and the environment. 
  •  Discuss potential solutions to the supply and environmental issues associated with fossil fuels and other energy resources.
  • List and describe the primary renewable energy resources and technologies.