Course description:
The course consists of the demonstrationand practical exercises concerned with the procedures involved in the construction of complete and dentures. During the course, various exercises that simulate the clinical treatment of the patient are also employed. This laboratory course introduces the student to the fabrication of complete dentures, immediate dentures and overdentures.The course familiarizes the student with the biological and technical aspects of complete dentures and their integration with the clinical procedures which will be taught in the succeeding clinical prosthodontic courses.
Course Aims:
The primary goal of this course is to equip the studentswithe the abilities and skills to perform all the laboratory procedures related to the construction of complete denture.
Course outcomes:
After completing the course, students should be able to:
- Demonstrate the abilities and skills to perform all the laboratory procedures related to the construction of complete denture.
- Make primary impression of edentulous cast.
- Pourethe impression & trim of the cast.
- Make a secondary impression, master cast, base plates, wax rims and mount the casts into an articulator.
- Do the technical work, as investing and polymerizing the dentures.
- Take facebow registration and make a wax-up of the denture.
- Choose the right form, color and size of teeth.
- Do flasking, finishing & polishing the denture.