Therapeutic Nutrition (1) NUTR 3314

Course description:

Therapeutic nutrition or medical nutrition therapy explores the role played by therapeutic diets in the treatment of chronic disease and other nutritional disorders. The course introduce the principles of the nutrition care process and will give knowledge and experience in nutrition assessment techniques and intervention strategies as applied to chronic disease and other nutritional disorders, this course will focus on the care of clients with pathologies caused by or causing nutritional impairments. General topics include nutrient delivery via oral, enteral, and parenteral routes, and interactions among foods, nutrients, medications, and supplements.

Course Aims:

  • To develop intellectual and practical skills of the students in the field of  therapeutic nutrition.
  • To identify patients at risk for major nutrition – related health problems.
  • To identify the principles and  explain the objectives of diet therapy.
  • To identify most common therapeutic diets used in clinical care.
  • To identify Alternative feeding routes including eternal & parental feeding.
  • To graduate well trained health professionals able to meet nutritional needs of the clients.

Course outcomes:

After completing this course, the student should be able to:
  • Describe the methods used to adapt a normal diet to treat a specific clinical nutritional disorder.
  • Apply recent various methods and techniques in the field of therapeutic nutrition .
  • lists methods for preparation of normal food to adjust various pathological conditions.
  • Recommend dietary adjustments leading to better health outcomes and improved quality of life.