Meals Preparation NUTR 3221

Course description:

This course introduces the methods of food preparation, the relationship between the components and composition of food and its preparation on the characteristics of ingredients and nutritional value of food. It provides information about knowledge of the physical and chemical properties of foods, physical tests and basic principles of food preservation.

Course Aims:

The student recognizes the:
  • To integrate concepts of food preparation and food preservatives and understand the role in preservative of food. 
  • To gain the ability to think critically about problems and issues in food preservative. 
  • Gain an understanding of physical test of food.
  • Gain an understanding of chemical properties of food.
  • Characteristics of food ingredients and values.
  • To integrate concept of food poisoning.

Course outcomes:

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:
  • Define the types of food preservation techniques.  
  • Describe the different methods to prepare balance diet. 
  • Understand how to avoid poisoning and contamination before food preservation. 
  • Understand the relationships between food components and food preparation.
  • Differentiate between the properties of food that effected during food processing.
  • Evaluate the physical and chemicals properties of food.
  • Define the concept of food poisoning.