Nutrition in Emergency NUTR 2204A

Course description:

This course introduces the management of major emergencies with a nutritional component, whether at local, national, or international level, by improving understanding among students for ensuring adequate nutrition in emergency-affected populations, the promotion of coordinated and effective action, the course will cover many topics, emergency phases and classification, food ration planning, special feeding, using of special commodities, nutritional relief using general and selective feeing programs, and prevention of deficiencies among affected population.

Course Aims:

  • Recognize and classified emergencies phases and planning. 
  • Explain the international law and human rights in nutritional emergences.
  • Clarifying the food ration planning and breast feeding and complementary feeding during emergencies.
  • Recognize the Prevention, treatment, and control of communicable diseases as well as  emergency preparedness and response programmes.

Course outcomes:

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:
  • Abe to understand the best practices during nutritional management of major emergencies.
  • Knowing and recognizing the using of special commodities and factors affecting food processing, preparation.
  • Identify the nutritional response, general feeding and selective feeding programs.