Course description:
Major, ongoing change is the distinguishing characteristic of the business environment worldwide and it affects how contemporary organizations operate and deal with change. Organizations still need to do more with less. In addition, they need to provide for the needs of customers who, with more exposure to local and global markets, have higher expectations relating to the cost, quality, speed and innovation of the services and products they purchase from these organizations.
Due to this global need for managing change, 'new' forms of organization are replacing the 'old' traditional bureaucracy and presenting managers with unique challenges. Thus managers of contemporary organizations need to take a holistic view of the changes in their environments and need to apply a completely new set of skills.
The approach towards contemporary management principles offered in this publication integrates discussions on vital managerial competencies and skills with information on traditional and essential managerial concepts that have been effective in the past and are still effectively used today in many business organizations. The emphasis is on the vital role of human resources in the success of an organization and the need for modern managers to self-actualize and embrace the practice of life-long learning.