Human Resources Management MGNE 2307

Course description:

This course looks closely at the Human Resource functions and the range of activities that constitute the practice of Human Resource Management (HRM). It examines how the HR function is seeking to contribute “added value” to organizations by embracing concepts such as employee commitment, culture change, teamwork, knowledge management and learning organization initiatives. It also outlines the philosophical background to these developments and the likelihood they will deliver real value to organizations.

Course Aims:

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
  • Analyze the concept of human capital of the organization viewed as an investment versus an operational expense.
  • Examine the different theories that explained the relationship between HRM and organizational performance.
  • Plan for the needed HR to meet organizational goals and objectives.
  • Determine the process of job analysis and discuss its importance as a fundamental HRM practice.
  • Develop and evaluate selection and placement of HR methods, also develop and evaluate the HR training programs.
  • Recognize the activities involved in evaluating and managing employee performance.

Course outcomes:

By the successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
  • Knowledge and understanding; (a) gain an understanding of key terms, theories/concepts and practices within the field of HRM. (b) Apply a critical understanding of strategic HRM within an organization.  (c) Also use conceptual frameworks to develop and enhance the role played by the HR department within an organization.
  • Cognitive skills (thinking and analysis); analyze the relationship between HR practices and their outcomes for the individual and the organization.
  • Communication skills (personal and academic); (a) obtain the practical skills required by managers actively engaged in the management of people within organization. (b) Also gain proficiency in communication and networking skills, independent action and team working.
  • Practical and subject specific skills (Transferable Skills); demonstrate of how relevant techniques can be applied in the workplace. (b) Critically evaluate the potential people management problems.