Scientific Research MGNE 2201

Course description:

This course discusses Scientific research and types, the problem of research, formulate hypotheses, design research, and the sample collection tools information and writing reports. It also discusses the probability theory and its applications, in addition to random variables and probability functions, cumulative probability functions, expected values an variance, statistical  distribution, sample distribution, confidence intervals for population parameters, applying  tests assumptions and analytical tools like SPSS /SIM.

Course Aims:

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
  • Gain the basic and applied skills and knowledge to write scientific research.
  • Explain probability theory, functions and their applications. 
  • Explain random variables and probability functions. 
  • Introduce sampling distribution. 
  • Explain statistical inference.  
  • Design relationships between variables using analysis of variance and analysis of regression.  
  • Apply parametric and non- parametric tests.
  • Use analytical techniques like SPSS /SIM.

Course outcomes:

By the successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
  • Knowledge and understanding
  1. Identify what is meant by scientific research, types, and stages. 
  2. Use scientific methods in social studies.
  3. Use probability theory
  • Cognitive skills (thinking and analysis).  
  1. Collect and analyze data using a number of techniques.
  2. Determine the research problem and goals  
  3. Use data collection methods 
  4. Analyze administrative problems 
  • Communication skills (personal and academic). 
  1. Use technical presentations 
  2. Use communication skills (discussion, observation, interview)
  • Practical and subject specific skills (Transferable Skills). 
  1. Use quantitative methods in scientific research 
  • Practical and subject specific skills (Transferable Skills)
  1. Apply tests 
  2. Use regression analysis