Cloud Computing GTEC 4320G

Course description:

The purpose of the course is to study concepts and techniques necessary to write high-quality programs, including advanced concepts of object-oriented programming, modular design. Some advanced topics such as reflection, distributed programming, multi-threading, Graphical User Interface (GUI), working with databases and sockets libraries are also covered. All of the mentioned concepts and techniques are studied using any language programming.

Course Aims:

  • Examine advanced concepts programming and practice on reusing components.
  • Design object-oriented programming solutions that include concepts such as encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and interface.
  • Understand advanced concepts of (GUI). 
  • Multithreading, sockets and database manipulation. 

Course outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
  • Design and implement software employing the principles of encapsulation, information hiding, abstraction, and polymorphism.
  • Design, implement, and use classes and methods in an object-oriented programming language, employing standard naming conventions and making appropriate use of advanced features such as inheritance, exception handling, and GUIs.
  • Recognize and use basic object-oriented design patterns to structure solutions to problems.