Software Engineering GTEC 3313

Course description:

This course introduces the main principles of software engineering and software methodologies, requirements and modeling.  It includes, system  analysis, design and requirements engineering,  data collection, analysis, organization and documentation, feasibility analysis, testing, maintenance and software Quality.

Course Aims:

This course aims to enable the students to:
  • Develop an in-depth understanding of software engineering concepts, processes, methods, techniques, and tools. 
  • Understand software processes, process models (prescriptive and agile).
  • Master software engineering practice through a project.

Course outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  • Appreciate the need for software engineering and the role it plays in information systems development and maintenance.
  • Understand and use various prescriptive software process models.
  • Understand and use Agile methodologies and show their differences from prescriptive methodologies.