Operating Systems- Lab GTEC 3116

Course description:

This course is designed to equip students with a substantial hands-on experience in solving concrete problems in a computer operating system, via programming, in a laboratory intensive course. Students experiment with many topics in the areas of operating systems and network protocols, including but not limited to: boot loaders, shell, process scheduler, file system, virtual memory, network protocols and packet filtering and manipulation, and device drivers.

Course Aims:

This course aims to enable the student to:
  • Develop conceptual understanding of UNIX commands and UNIX Shell programming.
  • Have  a practical exposure of all algorithms and behavior of processes in the system with respect to all its timings.
  • Develop understanding about signal, inter-process communication and semaphore.

Course outcomes:

Upon completion of the course, student should be able to:
  • Apply appropriate instruments and/or software tools and handle them carefully and safely to make measurements of physical quantities or perform data analysis.
  • Identify the strength and limitations of theoretical models and establish a relationship between measured data and underlying physical principles.
  • Specify appropriate equipment and procedures/algorithms, implement these procedures/algorithms, analyze and interpret the resulting data.
  • Design and build a software/hardware part to meet desired specifications and tests it using appropriate testing strategy and/or equipment.