Visual Programming GTEC 2309

Course description:

A continuation of the course Programming I .This course introduces the object-oriented programming concepts, principles and techniques. It  introduces classes, objects, composition, inheritance, polymorphism and files. All these concepts are illustrated via a contemporary object-oriented programming language.a

Course Aims:

This course aims to enable the student to:
  • Understand the object-oriented programming principles and techniques. 
  • Understand classes and the relation between them.
  • Understand Reusability via applying composition and inheritance.
  • Understand Files.
  • Use an object-oriented Programming language to develop rather complex programs.

Course outcomes:

Upon completion of the course, students should be able to:
  • Describe the principles of object-oriented programming.
  • Apply the concepts of data encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism to large-scale software.
  • Acquire the concepts of Graphical User Interfaces.
  • Develop object-oriented computer programs.
  • Develop programs with Graphical User Interfaces capabilities.
  • Formulate problems as steps so as to be solved systematically.
  • Develop software with team-work in mind.