Database Management GTEC 2301

Course description:

The course introduces relational Database Management Systems ( DBMS)  as a class of software systems. It  provides comprehensive coverage of the problems involved in database design, in-depth coverage of data models and database Structural Query Language (SQL). In addition, it provides a survey of implementation techniques applied in modern DBMS's.

Course Aims:

This course aims to enable the student to:
  • Have a clear and complete description about the characteristics of database systems. 
  • Understanding data modeling and database design. 
  • Understand the languages and facilities provided by database systems.
  • Understand the implementation of database systems.

Course outcomes:

Upon completion of the course, students should be able to:
  • Define the terminology, features, classifications, and characteristics embodied in database systems.
  • Analyze an information storage problem and derive an information model expressed in the form of an entity relation diagram and other optional analysis forms, such as a data dictionary.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the relational data model.
  • Transform an information model into a relational database schema and to use a data definition language and/or utilities to implement the schema using a DBMS.