Programming 1 GTEC 1302

Course description:

This course introduces the fundamental principles of computer programming and programming languages, flowcharts, variables, input and output statements, control structures, functions and methods and arrays. These concepts will be applied using an appropriate programming language or visual programming language.

Course Aims:

This course aims to enable the student to:
  • Learn about computer programming logic and develop a program logic using flowcharts, pseudo code and algorithm.
  • Learn concepts applicable to all programming languages, including: identifiers, data types, arrays, control structures, looping.
  • Understand the main concept of Object Oriented Programming.
  • Develop programs using any appropriate language.

Course outcomes:

Upon completion of the course, students should be able to: 
  • Use programming terminology correctly in discussion of course topics.
  • Identify the need for a variable and select the appropriate primitive data representation.
  • Write Boolean expressions to control the flow of a program. 
  • Use arrays and distinguish between a reference to an array and a reference to an array element.
  • Write simple programs using methods.
  • Develop small programs that implement basic algorithmic designs.