Programming 1 lab GTEC 1104

Course description:

This course is the lab of Programming I, and it  introduces students to programming concepts and techniques using Java language in a way appropriate for students without any programming background. Students apply practical examples for the main topics that are studied in Programming I, and they do a final project that includes implementation of the main programming concepts.

Course Aims:

This course aims to enable the student to:
  • Implement simple applications of object-oriented programming using java language. 
  • Develop the basic syntax and semantics of the Java language and programming environment.
  • Develop the concepts of classes and objects.
  • Develop the primitive data types built into the Java language and the difference between variables of primitive types and variables of class types.
  • Develop features of a strongly typed language: variable declaration and type compatibility checking.
  • Implement decisions using if statements.
  • Program loops with while, for and do statements.
  • Use methods.
  • Use arrays and array lists and to learn about simple array algorithms.

Course outcomes:

Upon completion of the course, students should be able to:
  • Analyze and explain the behavior of programs involving the fundamental program constructs.
  • Write short programs that use the fundamental program constructs, including standard conditional and iterative control structures.
  • Write short programs that use arrays or array lists.
  • Design and implement a class based on attributes and behaviors of objects.
  • Construct objects using a class and activate methods on them.
  • Implement small program.