Digital and Logic Design Lab. EQUP 3117
Course description:
The student should acquire a knowledge and understanding of:
- Digital logic design lab components such as breadboard, Ic’s, 7-segment and Led.
- Operation of digital gates including AND, OR, NAND, NOR and XOR gate.
- Learn how to simplify functions and implement those using basic gates.
- Using Karnaugh map in function simplification.
- Implementing different functions using NAND and NOR gates only.
- Displaying numbers and counters on 7-segment.
- Learn the different application of timer circuit.
- Using multiplexers and decoders in digital circuits.
- Operation of flip-flop circuits.
Course Aims:
Course seeks to enable students to achieve the following objectives:
- Understanding and demonstrating the basic principles and concepts of digital logic circuits.
- Providing fundamental knowledge of gates and their use in implementing functions.
- Ability to use that understanding in implanting various projects.
- This course will form the base for further biomedical engineering courses.
Course outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the basic principles and concepts of digital logic circuits.
- Understanding the importance of gates and their usage in implementing functions.
- Apply basic knowledge, techniques, and skills in projects related to biomedical engineering.