Electric Circuits 1 EQUP 2307
Course description:
Definitions and units. Experimental laws and simple circuits. Techniques of circuit analysis. Inductance and capacitance. Source-free RL and RC circuits. Applications. The Unit-step forcing functions. RLC circuits.
Course Aims:
Course seeks to enable students to achieve the following objectives:
- Identify linear systems and represent those systems in schematic form,
- Apply Kirchhoff's current and voltage laws and Ohm's law to circuit problems,
- Simplify circuits using series and parallel equivalents and using Thevenin and Norton equivalents,
- Perform node and loop analyses and set these up in standard matrix format,
- Identify and model first and second order electric systems involving capacitors and inductors,
- Predict the transient behavior of first and second order circuits.
Course outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, student will be able to:
- Provide the students the skills to analyze the electric circuits
- Design and be able to correct and find the mistakes in the circuits.