Course description:
The student should acquire a knowledge and understanding of:
- Scalars and vectors quantities and its unites in biomechanics,
- Basic mechanical principles applied to human body, Newton’s Laws and friction forces in the Joints.
- Static and Equilibrium of Rigid body and human body, and its Applications to Muscles and Joint : [Elbow, Shoulder, Ankle, Back, Hip, and Knee]
- Center of Gravity of Humans, Base of Support, Levers in the Human Body, and Safe Mechanics Techniques for Human Body.
- Properties of Materials and the effect of forces on the body (Tension, Compression, Shear), Stress and Strain and elastic modulus,
- Elastic Strain Energy and Applications: Bone Fracture: Energy Considerations.
- Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Viscous Fluid Flow.
Course Aims:
Course seeks to enable students to achieve the following objectives:
- Understanding and demonstrating the basic principles and concepts of biomechanics with easy and clear way.
- Providing fundamental knowledge of biomechanics and its important in engineering professions.
- Ability to use that understanding in the solution of biomedical engineering problems.
- This course will form the base for further biomedical engineering courses.
Course outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the basic principles and concepts of biomechanics.
- Understanding the importance of biomechanics and its applications in different fields of biomedical engineering
- Apply basic knowledge, techniques, and skills to solve real-world problems necessary for engineering practice.
- Understand and apply biomechanics concepts, facts, and models, and use them as a foundation to further study.