Physics I ENGI 1303

Course description:

The course covers: Units and Measurement. Vectors: Coordinate Systems. Motion in One Dimension, Freely Falling  Objects  and  gravity. 
Motion in Two Dimensions Projectile Motion, Uniform Circular Motion, Relative Velocity. The Laws of Motion: The Concept of  Force, Constant Force, Varying Force,  Newton's Laws, work and Forces of  Friction. Energy: Kinetic and potential Energy Theorem, Conservation of Energy. 
Collisions: Collisions in One Dimension, TwoDimensional Collisions. Static Equilibrium (Torque). Center of Gravity.  

Course Aims:

The aims of this course are to explore the following points: 
  • Understanding and demonstrating the basic principles and concepts of mechanics theories with easy and?clear way.  
  • Bridging the gap between school and university physics by providing a more complete and logical framework in key areas of classical physics 
  • Providing fundamental knowledge of physics and its important in engineering professions. 
  • This course will form the base for further engineering courses.

Course outcomes:

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to: 
  • Know and correctly use the language of physics (naming, terminology, and symbolic). 
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the basic principles, theories, and laws of physics through the description of physical systems.
  • Understanding the importance of physics and its applications  in different fields of engineering. 
  • Understand and apply physical concepts, facts, and models, and use them as a foundation to further study.