Course outcomes:
At the end of this course, the student will be able to:
- Apply the basic concepts in the science of human nutrition and its relationship to other sciences.
- Know the nutrients needed by the body and their food sources and how body utilized it during digestion, absorption and metabolism.
- Can identify the source of food energy contents and understand their representation and their importance and the needs of one's body.
- Understand the functions of nutrients and body symptoms may appear of its shortages.
- Ability to describe a balanced and healthy diet and how planning and evaluation of these diets.
- Know the role of balanced diets in the treatment of some contemporary health problems and prevention of malnutrition.
- Linkage between the different stages of life, as well as physiological stages experienced by the human body and shows the needs of nutrients and energy.
- Recognize the diseases transmitted through food, and means of food saving and pollution prevention.
- 9- Practice therapeutic feeding principles of common diseases.
- Understand and apply the principles of nutrition through the all life stages.