Course description:
The course is designed to introduce the students to fundamental nursing skills and concepts in client care and acquiring a foundation of basic nursing theory and developing clinical skills regarding nursing process health and illness, nurse patient relationship,the student learns skills related to the areas of disease prevention, surgical asepsis, wound care, physical well-being, safety,fluids and nutrition, personal hygiene, mobility, reporting and recording,how to measure vital signs, physical assessment, patient safety, admission &discharge rest comfort & sleep and pain management.
Course Aims:
The aim of this course is to offer the students with a foundation in nursing to make sure that care from competent & concerned health care is provided whenever & wherever the need arises, and enable them to be familiarize with the nursing process steps in understanding the human needs or problems, and promoting their ability to record and report to ensure safe continuity of care, to control infection, measure vital signs accurately, understands hygienic measures when needed. Demonstrate understanding of physical assessment and able to promote the client comfort and sleep, and the concepts nursing process application as well, to promote the quality of care.