Organic and Biochemistry DNSG 1204

Course description:

Chemistry of biomolecules with emphasis on the bioenergetics and control of metabolic pathways via regulation of specific enzymes. Specific coverage: I. Proteins, protein structure and mechanism. II. Enzyme mechanism and enzyme kinetics III. Metabolism: Carbohydrates, conversion of sugars, anaerobic and aerobic metabolism, fat catabolism, amino acid degradation. IV. Anabolic pathways: Carbohydrates, fats and lipids, amino acids and steroids.

Course Aims:

The goal of the course is to develop an understanding of the chemistry of key biological molecules. Interpret biological pathways in terms of thermodynamics, chemistry, regulation and proteinMechanisms and apply these skills to the understanding of novel pathways. Read andevaluate current articles in primary biochemistry literature pertaining to biologicalChemistry.

Course outcomes:

At the end of this course the student will be able to:
  • Identify the levels of structure in proteins and describe the stabilization of thesestructures.
  • Describe the structure and mechanism of representative enzymes in biochemicalpathways.
  • Interpret plots of enzyme kinetic data.
  • Describe representative mechanisms of enzyme catalysis
  • Describe the primary catabolic and anabolic pathways pertaining to the following molecular classes:  
        - Carbohydrate
        - Fats and lipids
        - Amino Acid
       - Steroids
  • For each pathway in 5, identify the key regulatory points, the energetics of thereactions and the key chemical transformations involved.
  • Read and interpret scientific articles in biochemistry.