Soil mechanics Lab CIVL 3120

Course description:

Performing various laboratory tests to determine the characteristics and mechanical properties of soil according to the procedures and standards set by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).

Course Aims:

Students will able to identify physical and mechanical properties of soil in the field and laboratory settings. Student will be familiar with ASTM laboratory test standards and procedures. This include preparing soil samples for testing, performing the test, collecting and analyzing data, interpreting the results and writing technical reports.

Course outcomes:

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to: 
  •  Perform common soil tests to identify physical and mechanical properties of soils. 
  •  Be familiar with soil mechanics tests and determines which test is needed in designing civil engineering projects and/or solving engineering problems. 
  • Prepare soil samples for testing, performing the test, collecting and analyzing data according to ASTM. 
  •  Apply the laboratory results to problem identification, quantification, and basic soil mechanics related design problem. 
  •  Demonstrate the ability to write clear technical lab reports. 
  •  Use word processors and other modern software packages in writing and finishing the report. 
  •  Demonstrate the ability to work in groups. 
  •  Understand and apply ethical issues associated with decision making and professional conduct in the lab and field environment.