Stem-Cells BIPH 5268D

Course description:

The course covers Stem cells, hematopoietic stem cells, Adult stem cells, embryonic stem cells- isolation and culture, stem cell in drug discovery and tissue engineering, therapeutic application using stem cells, ethical issues related to stem cell technology, Cord blood banks and their significance.

Course Aims:

This course will take students on a journey into the stem cell biology and biotech revolution, This course will provide details regarding social implications associated with stem cell technology. The course offers an opportunity to understand the basics of stem cells, embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells and genetic engineering of stem cells and their applications.

Course outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to:  
  • To student gain knowledge in Stem cell basics, growing of ES cells in lab, differentiation of stem cells and application of stem cells, They understand recent advancements in the biotechnological applications using both adult and embryonic stem cells.