Pharmacology& Toxicology 1 Lab BIPH 4140

Course description:

The course covers the pharmacology of drugs, their mechanisms of action; therapeutic uses, adverse effects and drug interaction in theoretical classes. However, to appreciate such principles and the importance of testing drugs for their effects, practical classes aim to illustrate such effects on isolated and whole animal preparations. The sympathetic and parasympathetic control of pupil diameter and how pupil diameter changes in response to a change in ambient light intensity will be extensively covered. Neuro-muscular Blockers and drugs effects on skeletal muscle preparations are also covered.

Course Aims:

Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to:
  • Identify the fundamental principles of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. 
  • Apply the pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic principles that describe drug actions in humans.
  • Compare and contrast the specific pharmacology of the major classes of drugs, important distinctions among members of each class, the risks and benefits, in relation to the organ systems they affect, and the diseases for which they are used therapeutically. 
  • Identify the role of molecular genetics and genomic principles in pharmacotherapeutics and drug development.

Course outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to:  
  • Know to handle animals.
  • Learn the pharmacokinetic principles
  • Recognize different aspects of normal mouse behavior and how these are modified by drugs acting on the central and peripheral nervous systems.