General Surgery BDNT 3223

Course description:

This course focuses on the identification and management of the various surgical problems focusing to the head and neck region in particular. It is directed towards building the confidence in the dental students to refer patients with pathological conditions in the head and neck region to the appropriate specialization upon their recognition during routine dental visits, with an overview over the emergency general surgery topics, and providing the students with some surgical skills that they might need in their practice.

Course Aims:

The course aims to provide the student with the knowledge and basic principles of surgery to various diseases which may require surgicalintervention, focusing on Head and neck surgical issues.

Course outcomes:

After completing this course, students should be able to: 
  • Describe various aspects of surgical principles asrelated to orodental diseases.
  • Describe detailed description of asepsis, antiseptics, sterilisation, and types of sutures and suturing skills.
  • Discuss wounds classifications, treatments and complications.
  • Understand the various diseases, their relevance to routine dental practice..
  • Demonstrate knowledge of signs and symptoms of surgical diseases of the head and neck.
  • Demonstrate a basic knowledge of common and urgent surgical problems.
  • Formulate a reasonable differential diagnosis of surgical problems.
  • Diagnose and manage common urgent surgical problems and surgical diseases of the head and neck.
  • Know the complications of the common surgical procedures and the required precautions to be undertaken during the dental visits.
  • Understand types of shock, hemorrhage and their management.