Architecture Design V ARCH 5431

Course description:

This course in which the students express themselves visually and are able to highlight their creativity. After presenting basic concepts in Architectural Design, this advanced course goes more deeply into the elements of artistic design, environmental design, architectural model making, civil engineering or 3D development.Students are required to complete a major project of their own.

Course Aims:

This course aims to:
  • Develop creative ideas and skills through visual arts, solving design problems, using sketching, line elements, value, shape, form, color, and texture. 
  • Identify the three different ways to draw and represent three-dimensional models.
  • Develop presentation skills to show different methods used to present architectural designs to nontechnical personnel.
  • Develop an overview of basic scientific modular principals upon which construction systems are based.
  • Develop design considerations for effective solar orientation, efficient energy use, ergonomics, and ecological planning.
  • Develop an understanding of architectural careers and visual art application in those careers.
  • Develop three-dimensional renderings and models using computer aided design techniques.
  • Understand the significance of how historical and traditional designs are reflected in today’s architectural designs.
  • Develop a journal based on research, analyzing the works of historical architects’ distinctive styles and their contributions to society.

Course outcomes:

The students upon completion of this course are able to:
  • Gain cognitive with as regards architectural design methodology beginning with the design and analysis of understanding the problem and offering solutions, developing, and expressing in the show. Since this knowledge is the cornerstone of majoring in architecture.
  • Have analytical skills through case studies taught in design courses where they are studying and analysing case studies similar to projects that are required to design, especially in large projects and multiple functions.
  • Apply skills through discussions for each project by discussion committees from within and outside the Department.
  • Gain mental skills through organized thinking building on the sequence steps in thinking to reach conclusions and judgements logically.
  • Develop research skills through research conducted by students.
  • Acquire national and humanitarian values by highlighting the heritage values in modern designs.
  • Develop teamwork skills.