Visual Training ARCH 2201

Course description:

This course covers Visual perception of shapes and voids and solids, and topics related to the characteristics of the shapes and the sensory relationship between them, space forming, the impact of structural systems on the configuration, and the relationship between the drawing and the embodiment, the visual illusion, and color theory. Understand aesthetic values and the determinants of their application on architectural design.

Course Aims:

This course aims at:
  • Introducing students the principles and elements of the three-dimensional design at the Art and Architecture theoretically through the presentation and analysis of global projects enrich the knowledge of the student
  • Develop a design student's skills through practical exercises to develop the cognitive skills of perception and visual illusion, in the formation of three-dimensional configurations of the line, the planes, the mass by using different materials

Course outcomes:

The student upon completion of his study to this course is able to:
  • Specialized knowledge in the field of visual perception, as well as a thorough understanding of the means of architectural configuration.
  • Expressive capabilities of the architectural concepts development, through training on drawing architectural forms and making models.
  • To give the students practical skills in the field of graphic architectural drawing.
  • The ability to execute and output ofdifferent  architectural drawings and small projects.